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The Board of Trustees of the Faculties and Institutes of Alexandria University held its meeting yesterday, Sunday, the 19th of November 2023, headed by Mr. Mohamed Fathi Abul-Nasr, Secretary General of the University, where it reviewed the decisions of the University Council held on the 31st of October 2023, which included approval of the disbursement of the exceptional bonus amounting to 300 pounds, which comes in line with the current decisions to address the high cost of living, and benefits employees under contract and daily workers on the university’s special funds. He also reviewed the time map for the academic year 2023/2024.
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The Council also reviewed the decisions of the Human Resources Committee, which was held on the 24th of October 2023, which included the general principles of procedures for transferring workers from outside the university, and internal transfer procedures.
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 The Council discussed ways to develop administrative work, especially in the field of human resources, with the aim of advancing work in a way that is free of any administrative obstacles and that is in line with the distinguished development witnessed in academic areas.
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Mechanisms for preparing the annual needs plan for the fiscal year 2024/2025 were also discussed, as well as ways to update databases between the university’s various units and the university’s information and decision-making support center.