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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Hisham Saeed, Acting Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, inaugurated the activities of the periodic meeting of officials of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank at Alexandria University, to discuss the services provided by the Egyptian Knowledge Bank and explain the systems of scientific conferences, the digital repository, academic periodicals and scientific journals of Egyptian universities, and the ranking of Alexandria University journals.
The event held at the headquarters of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research at the university, was attended by Engineer Ola Lawrence, Scientific Publishing Advisor at the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, Engineer Aya Hisham, Conference System Officer at the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, Mr. Mohamed Salah, responsible for technical support and training for scientific periodicals at the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, and Dr. Boshra Salem, Officer in Charge of the International Relations Office at Alexandria University, in addition to a large number of deans and vice deans of faculties, faculty members and researchers.
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In his speech, Dr. Hisham Saeed welcomed the attendees, stressing the importance of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank in facilitating access to information in various scientific disciplines and providing researchers with the opportunity to view the latest research studies and articles published locally, regionally and internationally for free, in addition to a rich electronic library and training courses in various academic fields. He pointed out the role of academic journals and research papers issued by the university aiming to raise the its level in international rankings, in addition to generating appropriate income for the university.
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Engineer Ola Lawrence pointed out the ease of access to the Knowledge Bank databases and the help in supporting academic journals for scientific publishing according to the best international standards on important international platforms such as Scopas and Web of Science, in order to improve the ranking of Egyptian universities, and help scientific journals to be indexed on international academic research platforms. She also pointed to the initiative to qualify scientific journals published in the Arabic language to comply with international publishing standards.
Engineer Aya Hisham provided a detailed explanation of the role of the Egyptian Knowledge Bank in organizing conferences in terms of announcing the conference and the specializations it discusses through various research, broadcasting workshop activities, and issuing certificates.
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