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Within the framework of the cultural season of the Faculty of Law, Alexandria University, and in cooperation with Bibliotheca Alexandrina, a symposium was held today, Monday the 9th of October, under the title “The October War: Lessons Learned,” where the guest speaker was Dr. Mufid Shehab, former Minister of Higher Education and member of the Taba Defense Authority. The event took place in the presence of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Dr. Saeed Allam, Acting Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Ali Abdelmohsen, Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Dean of the Faculty of Law, as well as former presidents of Alexandria University, parliament members, faculty members, students, and members of the Alexandria University Youth Organization.
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At the beginning of his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa welcomed Dr. Mufid Shehab, stressing his great national value, which contributed greatly to the restoration of the land of Taba through a legal battle written in history with letters of light. Dr. Konsowa stressed that the October War was a war to restore pride and dignity, pointing out that Alexandria University is celebrating the golden jubilee of the October Victory throughout this month by holding seminars and cultural events in all faculties and institutes of the university to introduce students to the victories of the October War, and to introduce the current generation to the Egyptian glories and heroics in that great war to gain inspiration. Recalling the spirit of October, Konsowa confirmed that the university is in the process of preparing a biography of all the emeritus professors at Alexandria University who participated in the War of Attrition and the October War, so that the current generation can learn about the stories of their heroism and learn from them determination, patience, and perseverance, pointing out that it is not an easy job to build a nation, but rather requires effort and sacrifice.
Dr. Konsowa pointed out that the great Egyptian army is capable of deterrence and protection of the homeland, as no one can approach the land of Egypt, stressing that the Egyptian state was endowed by God with national leaders that would not spare a single grain of sand from the homeland. He added that the late President Anwar Sadat began by the decision of the October War in 1973, and then the late president Mohamed Hosni Mubarak continued the path to restore the land through all peaceful means, then President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi came to complete the process of construction and development to inaugurate a new republic that every Egyptian dreams of.
While Dr. Mufid Shehab spoke about the legal battle to reclaim Taba, stressing that the liberation of Taba is an eternal memory and engraved in the minds of all Egyptians. He explained that the legal battle for Taba began when Israel was reluctant to withdraw from some vital and strategic areas, including the Taba region, noting that a 25-member legal committee was formed to restore Taba, adding that he contributed to the preparation, pleading, and testimony before the court until the issuance of the court ruling of the restoration of Taba. He explained that Egypt defended her right in a sound scientific manner, and presented the legal memorandums before international courts in an objective manner.
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Dr. Shehab stressed that all Egyptians have the right to feel proud of the victories of October 6, which were the main factor that paved the way for the complete liberation of Sinai through negotiations that ended with the signing of the peace treaty. He added that we must also be well aware of the lessons learned from defeat and victory. He also stressed that he is happy with the presence of a cultural season at the Faculty of Law at Alexandria University, pointing out that the university’s role is not only education, but it also has a role in political education and serving national issues. Dr. Shehab also stressed that the October victory was a battle to eliminate defeat and despair, as the six years that preceded the victory in 1973 witnessed lean years, but with determination and persistence, the Egyptian Armed Forces were able to restore dignity to the Egyptian people.
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While Dr. Ahmed Zayed expressed his utmost pleasure with the great cooperation between Alexandria University and Bibliotheca Alexandrina in organizing such educational seminars that would educate students about the victories of the glorious October War, stressing the value and role of Dr. Shehab, who did a lot for the Egyptian state, and his efforts to restore rights legally without any more wars or losses. Dr. Zayed confirmed that the victories of the October War left us with more lessons learned that we must take into account, especially as we are on the cusp of building a new republic.
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While Dr. Mohamed Al-Feki stressed that the October victory is a victory that we must always be proud of and narrate to successive generations, with all dignity and pride, stressing that October 6th is a day recorded by the nation’s martyrs, members of the armed forces who sacrificed their blood to make this day a prominent mark in the history of Egypt and the Arab nation. He pointed out that the Faculty of Law used to open its cultural season every year with an important symposium that touched on one of the topics of interest to society, and the best start for this season was to coincide with the celebration of Victory Day of our beloved Egypt and the Arab nation. He pointed out that an important topic was chosen, which is the Battle of Taba, the legal battle that followed the October victory, in which determination and will were embodied and supported by the weapon of knowledge and intellect, its arena witnessed a diplomatic and legal epic whose title was the Taba Epic, in which the opponent could not help but see himself defeated before the power and solidity of truth.
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