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Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Acting Vice President of Alexandria University for Education and Student Affairs, emphasized to the faculty deans the need to determine the readiness of faculties and campuses to receive students, complete all arrangements for the regularity of the educational process, and provide means of comfort and care for students within the framework of the university's strategy that aims to provide an academic environment to help students excel and provide all means of support and care for students, to obtain educational materials and practice various activities.
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This came during the Education and Student Affairs Council meeting on Thursday afternoon at the university headquarters.
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 The Education and Student Affairs Council congratulated all university employees on the occasion of the approaching anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday and the October 6th victories, indicating the university’s readiness to organize several activities to participate in the celebration of the victory anniversary to spread awareness and consolidate the culture of belonging among university students.
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 The Council reviewed the report presented by Dr. Ghada El-Khayyat, Director of the Centre for Educational Innovations and Distance Learning, about the Centre's preparations to organize the Fifth International Conference on Educational Innovations and Technology-Supported Education on October 21-22 to raise the innovative capabilities in the educational process of the faculty members, and the participation of an international trainer from Sorbonne Universit in providing international training on (artificial intelligence in education). It also reviewed the activities of the International Innovation Business Incubator at Alexandria University.
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