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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Rear Admiral Nihad Shaheen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority of Alexandria Port, signed, a cooperation protocol between the two sides aimed at exchanging training and rehabilitation programs, and providing training and vocational programs for university students of the faculties related to work in seaports, and scientific qualification programs for employees of the Port Authority in accordance with the data and mechanisms of joint cooperation between them.
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In his speech, Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa confirmed that Alexandria University, through this protocol, will provide practical training opportunities, in cooperation between the Alexandria Port Authority and faculty members, for students of the Faculties of Arts, Commerce, Law, Science, and Engineering in the departments related to sea ports, with the aim of qualifying and preparing them to keep pace with the requirements of the labour market and update the necessary knowledge and skills, in order to keep pace with modern developments. He added that the university will also participate in developing the technical capabilities of the staff working at the port, providing training courses and workshops, and facilitating their enrollment in postgraduate studies in related specialisations at reduced fees.
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While Rear Admiral Nihad Shaheen confirmed that the General Authority of Alexandria Port, as one of the largest ports in the Republic that is recognized locally and internationally in the field of maritime transport and logistics, will facilitate the administrative procedures for permitting students to enter the customs office to obtain practical training before the start of the training program, and grant them a statement indicating their name of the student, the faculty, the department, the period of passing the training, and approving the trainee evaluation form with the seal of the training center. It will also participate in developing training programs for students of faculties' departments related to seaports.
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The signing of the protocol was attended by Dr. Saeed Allam, Acting Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Mohamed El-Feki, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. El-Sayed El-Seifi, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Dr. Amani Ismail, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr. Jihan Mahmoud, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts for Education and Student Affairs, Dr. Wael El-Maghlani, Acting Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Education and Student Affairs, and officials of the General Authority of Alexandria Port.