337662954 3602976459922443 8051106596676217785 n


The Community Service and Environmental Development Council at Alexandria University, in its session chaired by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research and Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, approved the proposal submitted by the Faculty of Physical Education for Men to organize a community initiative under the title “Our Faculty is Without Bullying” with the intention of spreading the of this initiative at the university level to be a university without bullying, in order to shed light on this phenomenon that threatens Egyptian society, and the formation of a specialized committee to present its vision and recommendations in this regard.
337555367 1369660843869942 7083301367952180543 n
 The Council approved several cooperation protocols between each of Alexandria University represented by the Faculty of Education and Salah El-Din International School, the cooperation protocol between the Faculty of Agriculture at Saba Pasha and the General Authority for Cotton Arbitration and Testing, and the cooperation protocol between Alexandria University and “Fahem” Foundation for Psychological Support regarding the exchange of experiences and studies in the field of mental illness.
 The Council was informed of the activities of the university faculties, and various seminars dealing with a number of important issues such as the Faculty of Law symposium entitled "Egypt's Role - the Future", the Mental Health Symposium, the organization of Welcome Ramadan bazaars to provide commodities and foodstuffs at reduced prices, as well as agricultural and industrial exhibitions, seminars on religious awareness and how to face extremism and harassment, and seminars on dealing with disasters and earthquakes, in addition to various workshops for the development of handicrafts.
• The Council was also informed of other activities such as the literacy convoy organized by the Faculty of Education to the first village of El-Amriya, the second recruitment forum, the ”100 million health campaign” organized by the Faculty of Science, English language and computer courses, and other various community service activities to serve the university students and employees.
337265866 189766597101773 2932070818636638408 n
 337681466 749962703285835 2499097677580236673 n
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337695879 607307914229889 267726688251805761 n
 336196659 1586134988544564 4792703013933792916 n
 337431708 596599652110295 5840224798796515838 n
 337256969 1175962063110624 5526587045166453579 n
 337547441 2236547263210992 5219194950808812224 n
 336998414 753824252937875 3822206945832410066 n
 337033175 908597587046972 3606434155635492607 n
 337126945 184216974361380 6300794208735193589 n