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In response to the invitation of the Saudi Heritage Authority and the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage affiliated to UNESCO, and under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Alexandria Centre for Maritime Archaeology and Underwater Cultural Heritage will hold the first Arab training course in the field of underwater antiquities in Jeddah, during the period from February 26 to March 9, hosted by the Saudi Heritage Authority.
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Dr. Emad Khalil, Head of the Centre and Professor of the UNESCO Chair for Underwater Cultural Heritage, indicated that this session is attended by 21 trainees from 13 Arab countries, namely Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman. This course is the first of its kind in the Arab region, and it aims to qualify a group of specialists from the Arab world to study marine and submerged archaeological sites. The Arab region has long coastlines and a long history, which is reflected in the presence of hundreds of underwater archaeological sites that await discovery, documentation, and sustainable exploitation.