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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and the supervision of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, headed by Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research and Acting Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy at Alexandria University organized on Friday the 17th of February, 2023, a comprehensive medical services convoy to the Valley area in King Mariout, including 12 villages, to serve the people of the region, in cooperation with Rotary North of Alexandria, and the "Doctor for You" Fraternity at the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University.
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Dr. Wafaa El-Sahli, professor at the Faculty of Medicine and a member of the convoy committee at Alexandria University, stated that the total number of cases that were examined by the convoy amounted to 737 cases in various medical specialties, including 81 dermatology cases, 174 paediatric cases, 56 gynaecological cases, 75 ophthalmia cases, 100 orthopaedic cases, 103 internal medicine cases, 47 thoracic cases, and 100 dental cases. She pointed out that 64 cases were transferred to Alexandria University hospitals, and she said that the Faculty of Specific Education participated in an awareness seminar for mothers entitled "Dealing with some behavioural problems of children", and a workshop to implement some handicrafts and recycling, as an entry point for small projects to increase the income of some families in the area's villages.