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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, conducted this morning, Saturday the 11th of February, an inspection tour on the start of the second semester. During the tour, he was accompanied by Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Dr. Ashraf El-Ghandour, Vice President of the University for graduate studies and research affairs, deans, vice-deans, and secretaries of various faculties.
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The tour included inspecting the faculties of science, agriculture, engineering, economic studies and political science, and nursing. Dr. Knosowa was assured of the university's preparations to receive students in its various faculties at the start of the second semester, the readiness of lecture halls, auditoriums, and laboratories, announcing the timetables for students on the first day, as well as the presence of guiding boards, and the preparation of clinics. He stressed the necessity of continuing to implement the disinfection plan under the supervision of the Vice Dean for Environmental Affairs of all facilities in the university's faculties and buildings, to ensure the safety of all employees of the educational process at the university.
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The President of the University also emphasized the timely announcement of all the first semester exam results in all university faculties, the completion of maintenance work that took place during the mid-year vacation period, and the review of safety and civil protection rules. Dr. Konsowa also instructed the deans of the faculties to take into account the delay of students in the dates specified for the lectures, due to the conditions of the winter weather and the rain that Alexandria Governorate is witnessing today.
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Dr. Konsowa emphasized providing all means of support and care for students to collect educational materials and practice various student activities at the university, which contributes to providing the appropriate educational environment for students.
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The President of the University conducted an open dialogue with his students, wishing a happy academic year for all employees of Alexandria University, and listened to the opinions and suggestions of faculty members and students, indicating that students are the hope and future of Egypt, pointing out in his speech that the university will sign more double degrees during the coming period with English and American universities, to graduate competitive students with international standards.
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He pointed out that the university is keen to implement a package of activities, events and educational seminars during the second semester, for the students to take part in various competitions. He also stressed that the university supports innovative students and distinguished talents, and develops mechanisms for implementing activity plans and communicating with students, with the aim of positively contributing to building students’ capabilities, developing their skills and discovering their talents.
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