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Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, announced that the results of January 2023 edition of the universities world ranking Spanish website “Webometrics”, included the progress of Alexandria University by 153 international ranks compared to January last year, as it ranked 578 globally compared to 731 in January 2022, from among 30,000 universities worldwide. Alexandria University ranked second locally after Cairo University, ranked fifth at the Arab level, and sixth at the African level, which confirms the efforts of Alexandria University to be present on the global map, its quest for expansion in partnerships, and its contribution to achieving sustainable development goals.
The Webometrics ranking is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab Foundation, which is affiliated with the largest research body in Spain. This classification is based on several factors regarding the university's website position, namely its impact in terms of scientific production, transparency, and scientific and research excellence of the university. This classification is also the largest in terms of the number of higher education institutions that have been analyzed in preparation for participation. Every six months, an independent and objective scientific ranking is presented. The methodology in the Webometrics classification is based on 50% for presence in posts, the number of external networks linked to the organization’s website pages (calculated and then choosing the maximum value), 10% for the number of the highest cited papers in Google Scholar database, and 40% of the number of searches included in the top 10% cited in the Scimago database during the five years preceding the year of enumeration (i.e. 2021, for the calculation of 2022 data).