On Thursday, March 3, 2022, Prof. Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, received a diplomatic delegation from the US Embassy in Cairo, which included Ms. Nicole Champagne, Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Cairo, and Ms. Lorraine Lovelace, Counselor for Public Affairs of the US Embassy and officials Political and cultural relations at the embassy, where the two sides discussed ways of joint cooperation in scientific and academic fields of common interest, in the presence of the university's vice presidents and deans of the faculties of medicine, engineering, science, computers and data science.
For his part, Dr. Konsowa stressed the importance of enhancing means of cooperation between the Egyptian and American sides. During the meeting, he reviewed the existing areas of cooperation between Alexandria University and American universities and research centers, explaining that the university has cooperation agreements and joint programs with many American universities, including Virginia Tech universities. And Alabama Birmingham, University of Connecticut, University of Lovell…..noting the university’s tendency to establish joint scientific degrees with prestigious international universities, within the framework of the university’s strategy to move towards internationalizing education for global competition in line with Egypt’s 2030 vision in the field of education, and added that The university has a center of excellence in the field of water sciences, which the university won its establishment in cooperation with the American University and funding from the United States Agency for Development.
For her part, Nicole Champagne, Deputy Chief of Mission of the United States Embassy in Cairo, affirmed her country's keenness to consolidate relations with Alexandria University and to expand the exchange of visits between faculty members and students in addition to cooperation in scientific, research and academic fields of common interest, explaining that the visit came with the aim of identifying The scientific programs offered by the faculties of the university in order to establish and activate partnerships between the two sides, as well as the possibility of providing scholarships through joint cooperation agreements.
The deans of the faculties also presented a presentation of areas of cooperation, programs and joint degrees with American and European universities in various scientific disciplines at the undergraduate and graduate levels. They also suggested areas of cooperation and scientific degrees that could be agreed upon in the future.