Dr. EssamAl Kordy,Vice President of Alexandria University for Community Service and Environmental Development, asserted, during the meeting of Community Service and Environmental Development Council, held on Sunday morning, December 20th, 2015, on the faculties’ deputies that the faculties shall form an executive schedule and timetable for the completion of the update (MIS) data for faculty members, workers and students of each Faculty. He also stressed on all deputies to complete paper correspondences and activate dealingvia e-mail starting from next January, with the exception of financial belongings.

The Council also took note of the establishment of the Higher Institute of Public Health in several health activities, including organizing a medical convoy to Karmoz and another to the areas affected by the recent floods in EzbetHegazy, east of Smouha. That is in collaboration with Rotaract Club wherea group of staff members and assistants of the Institute particioated, as well as volunteeryouth from civil society.Both convoys included health awareness and medical clinics in the different specialties, disbursement of medicines, treatment of emergencies and health and environmental consulting.