Alexandria University President Dr. Essam El Kurdi and Mrs. Windy Feirman the General Consul of UK attended the signing of the agreement of the international program between the Faculty of Commerce and the International Academy for Researches and Advanced Studies Peirson, Uk. The agreement was signed by Dr. El Sayed El Siefy; Dean of the faculty and Mr. Kareem El Safty; the regional manager of the International Academy for Researches and Advanced Studies in the Middle East.Alexandria University President Dr. Essam El Kurdi and Mrs. Windy Feirman the General Consul of UK attended the signing of the agreement of the international program between the Faculty of Commerce and the International Academy for Researches and Advanced Studies Peirson, Uk. The agreement was signed by Dr. El Sayed El Siefy; Dean of the faculty and Mr. Kareem El Safty; the regional manager of the International Academy for Researches and Advanced Studies in the Middle East.Dr. Kurdi declared that this agreement is the first one in the Egyptian universities that should promote the Faculty of Commerce to the level of international colleges. It also shall develop the competency and innovative skills of the students as it allow the student to complete the study in one of 120 colleges in UK. Dr. El Sayed El Siefy said that the agreement shall open new horizons in labor market for the students and provide many advantages for the students of the Faculty of Commerce as the student will obtain one certificate from AU and another one from British university under the agreement. He added that the agreement is active from September 2018 for the students of first, second and third group only, while the fourth group students will benefit from another scholarship of graduate studies at low cost.Mr. Kareem El Safty expressed his proudness that his institution is a part of this agreement as it should enhance the quality of higher education in the Egyptian universities and provide job opportunities for graduates as they will hold international university certificates from UK. He added that the agreement supports the strategic trend of the Egyptian government within 2030 Vision.Mrs. Windy Fierman expressed her happiness of the agreement as it reflects the continuous support of the British government to the Egyptian government to develop the higher education sector.Mr. Ahmed Ismail; the regional Manager of Peirson in North Africa said that the agreement will convert the Faculty of Commerce to a regional center to attract foreign students to AU as it will confer accredited certificates from UK in collaboration with international institutions.