Dr. Essam El Kurdi the President of Alexandria University signed a cooperation protocol with Dr. John Larson, the President of Ocean County College in New Jersey, USA. The protocol shall activate the system of community colleges in Egypt. The meeting was attended by Dr. Mohamed Hamza; the Egyptian Culture Advisor in USA, members of the Trustees Council of Ocean County College, Dr. Hatem Akel; the Vice President of Ocean College for Remote Education and International Affairs, Dr. Maysa Abu Youssef Heyward, the Vice President of Ocean for International Affairs and all AU deans.Dr. Essam El Kurdi the President of Alexandria University signed a cooperation protocol with Dr. John Larson, the President of Ocean County College in New Jersey, USA. The protocol shall activate the system of community colleges in Egypt. The meeting was attended by Dr. Mohamed Hamza; the Egyptian Culture Advisor in USA, members of the Trustees Council of Ocean County College, Dr. Hatem Akel; the Vice President of Ocean College for Remote Education and International Affairs, Dr. Maysa Abu Youssef Heyward, the Vice President of Ocean for International Affairs and all AU deans.Dr. Kurdi declared that the protocol will be the first step to activate community colleges in Egypt. This system will grant certificate to the students upon studying for two years then complete their study in Au or one of American colleges for another two years. This system will grant the student three certificate, the first certificate after two years from Ocean College, another one after studying in AU for 4 years and the last one from one of USA universities like the New Jersey Institute of Technology. The students can also perform graduate studies in American universities.