Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research the names of winners of State prizes in 2016. This came during the meeting of the Council of the Academy of Scientific Research in presence of Dr. Mahmoud Sakr, President of the Academy and Dr. Ashraf Hatem, the secretary general of the Supreme Council of Universities.

The AU family headed by Prof. Dr. Essam El Kurdi congratulates the three winners of university staff namely:

** Prof. Dr. Esmat Mohamed Hussein Hegazi, the Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Agriculture who won State Appreciation Award in the area of agricultural sciences.

** AProf. Dr. Morsi Al-Souda,the Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Agriculture who won State Appreciation Award in the area of advanced technological sciences.

** Prof. Dr. Samir Abdel Azim Mohammed, the Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture who won State Award for Excellence in the field of agricultural sciences.