Alexandria University family congratulates all the winners of State Awards for 2015. The winning names were announced by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sakr; President of the Academy of Scientific Researchwhere seven names came from Alexandria University as following:
Prof. Dr. Mamdoh Saad Masaud; the Professor Emeritus at Faculty of Science who won State Appreciation Award in Basic Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed El sayed; the Professor Emeritus at Faculty of Science who won State Appreciation Award in Basic Sciences
Also five professors won the State Encouraging Awards in sciences and Technology namely:
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Mahdy; the Professor at Faculty of Agriculture (in Agricultural Science field)
Dr. Mohamed Zidan Salem; the Lecturer at Faculty of Agriculture (in Agricultural Science field)
Dr. Nagy Nagib Naaim; the Lecturer at Faculty of Medicine (in Medical Science field)
Dr. Zyad Ahmed Rashad; the Lecturerat Faculty of Engineering (in Engineering Science field)
Dr. Amr Ahmed Hasan; the Assistant Professor at Faculty of Engineering (in Engineering Science field)