Under the auspices of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, in cooperation with the Economics and Political Science Committee of the Supreme Council of Culture, organized a symposium yesterday, Wednesday, entitled: "The Regional Scene... An Analytical View of Geopolitical and Economic Conditions".
The symposium was moderated by Dr. Gamal Zahran, Professor of Political Science and President of the Arab Political Science Association, and spoke at it Dr. Ahmed Wahban, Professor of Political Science and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Dr. Othman Ahmed Othman, Professor of Political Economy at the Higher Institute of Islamic Studies at Cairo University and a member of the committee, Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Morsi, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Misr University, and the committee's rapporteur Dr. Mohamed Salman Taie, Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Cairo University and a member of the committee.
During the symposium, the lecturers stressed the importance of the Middle Eastern circle for Egyptian foreign policy because it represents an intersection of African, Arab, Asian and Islamic circles. They also stressed that the Palestinian issue is the most important issue historically for Egypt, pointing to the steadfastness of the Egyptian position in support of the Palestinian people despite the new pressures, and the pivotal role played by the economy as a basic driver of international politics as a whole, as economic interests have become the basis of relations between countries and the driver of international conflicts, including the Arab-Israeli conflict, taking into account the fact that our Arab region is a region rich in wealth, which in turn has led to it being an arena of international conflict in general and an arena for competition between the great powers in particular. Accordingly, they stressed the need for Arab economic integration as an important step on the path to the supreme goal of all Arabs, which is the dream of Arab unity, as well as the importance of using economic and political mechanisms. They also stressed the necessity of the solidarity and unity of all Arab peoples, and their rallying around their leaders to overcome this extremely dangerous historical circumstance, considering that unity, as history tells us, was the way to break the back of the invaders of the region.
The seminar was attended by a group of faculty members, assistants and students, and ended with many interventions from the audience and questions that were answered by the lecturers.