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Under the auspicious of Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, the Faculty of Education organized its fifth employment forum yesterday, in the seminars and conferences hall at the faculty, and was held under the title "Teacher's Competencies and Employment Requirements in Schools in Alexandria Governorate".
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Dr. Hassan Abdeen, Dean of the Faculty of Education, indicated that the forum was held with the aim of providing job opportunities for young graduates of the faculty, and providing opportunities for students to receive practical training; This is based on the faculty's keenness to follow up on its graduates, provide them with full support, achieve communication between the faculty, graduates and students, and prepare them for the labor market.
The forum was attended by the faculty's deputies, the directors of the Measurement and Evaluation Unit, the Educational Services Center, the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit, and the Professional Development Center at the faculty, as well as a group of faculty members, officials and representatives of private and international schools, and students and graduates of the faculty.