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Within the framework of the project to support and create a safe work environment for women in the tourism sector in Egypt, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels participated in the training camp organized by the National Council for Women, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the Spanish Cooperation Agency in Egypt, in collaboration with the Wellspring Foundation.
The conference targeted male and female students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels at the Universities of Alexandria and Matrouh, with the aim of training and educating them on how to support and promote a safe work environment for women working in the tourism sector, and it lasted for 3 days in Alexandria.
Dr. Abeer Attia, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, indicated that the camp included many activities and topics, the most important of which are how to manage time, planning, personal skills to get a job, work values and ethics, communication skills and teamwork, in addition to topics of social intelligence and the equation of change.
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