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Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, Dr. Wael Nabil, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, inaugurated the activities of the fifth student conference organized by the Faculty of Agriculture under the title "Agriculture and Youth Creativity" in the presence of the university's vice presidents, current and former deans and vice-deans of the faculty and university, in addition to faculty staff members and students.
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In his speech, Dr. Wael Nabil pointed out the importance of holding such student conferences periodically, as the university believes that they are the real arms for building the Egyptian state, and believes in the importance of their participation in national issues, and knowing their vision on various issues related to their fields of specialization, urging them to pursue organized teamwork. He added that student activity is considered an essential part of university life, and he stressed that the university is always working to support student activities in its various faculties. Dr. Nabil opened an exhibition of students' artworks that included handicrafts, photography, drawing and small productive projects.
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Dr. Mohamed Bahie El-Din, Dean of the Faculty and President of the Conference, indicated that the conference is being held for the fifth time and its activities will continue for two days. He explained that the conference program includes two main lectures and about 75 researches and pioneering youth experiments for faculty students, and the launch of a student initiative under the title "Be Green", in addition to sports and cultural activities, an art exhibition, and scouts activities.
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Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Mahdi, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs and the conference rapporteur, emphasized the importance of student conferences and their role in developing youth skills and creativity, indicating that the research topics were chosen carefully and meticulously, as their titles represent vital topics on the scene such as artificial intelligence and its role in agriculture and major development projects adopted by the state, and the obstacles to animal and poultry production and the proposed solutions to them. He pointed out that youth are the leading power for development, as they represent the future, and our role is being a driving force to support them.