Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, inaugurated Tuesday evening the twenty-second international conference of the Faculty of Dentistry, and witnessed the signing of a letter of intent for cooperation between Alexandria University and the British University of Manchester to establish a joint bachelor's degree in dental medicine and oral surgery.

The opening session of the conference was attended by Dr. Zahi Hawass, the famous archaeologist and former Minister of Antiquities, Dr. Jacqueline Azer, Deputy Governor of Alexandria, Nihal Balbaa, Deputy Governor of Beheira, Dr. Ahmed Adel Abdel Hakim, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, in addition the presidents of the Universities of El Alamein, Pharos, and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, the former governor of Sharkia, the Head of Dentists’ Syndicate, and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Alexandria, as well as a group of faculty members and representatives of major medical companies.

At the beginning of his speech, Dr. Konsowa conveyed the greetings and appreciation of Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to all participants in the conference, and confirmed that Alexandria University is proud to organize this conference, which is full of tremendous scientific content in the field of dentistry, where many dental affiliates around the world are keen to participate. He also emphasized the university's support for scientific conferences, as part of its vision, which includes creating an atmosphere for exchanging scientific development in all fields of knowledge and disseminating it among its members. He pointed out that Alexandria University is committed to the charter of freedom of thought and unlimited knowledge exchange and is open to historic and distinguished international universities through cooperation protocols in academic and research fields and through joint programs and degrees.

In her speech, Dr. Jacqueline Azer, Deputy Governor of Alexandria, thanked Alexandria University for organizing this conference and appreciated its scientific status and the participation of many dental professors from different countries of the world to exchange experiences, visions and research, which confirms that Egypt occupies a distinguished scientific rank.

Dr. Ahmed Adel Abdel-Hakim, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, said that it is celebrating the 46th anniversary of the first international scientific conference of dentistry in the Middle East, where the golden generation of dentistry professors set a road map to put the Faculty in its proper position. He stressed that the Faculty is keen to continue organizing this international conference with the participation of leading scientists and technology innovators in the field of dentistry to exchange experiences, research and training, which results in the advantage of attracting major companies of medical devices, equipment and tools to sponsor the conference. He also thanked everyone who took part in organizing the conference to help it come out in this brilliant way.

Dr. Mohamed Moataz Khamis, Secretary General of the Conference, confirmed that it includes more than 150 participants, professors and researchers from 20 countries, and enjoys cooperation with prominent scientific entities inside and outside Egypt, such as the Egyptian Society of Orthodontics, the Egyptian Society of Paediatric Dentistry and the International Society for Dental Research, as well as the faculties of dentistry at the Arab Academy and Pharos University. He also said that the conference is accompanied by a selection of lectures and workshops to present all that is new in the field of dentistry, and an exhibition of the latest equipment and supplies from major medical companies.

Dr. Zahi Hawass presented a documentary about recent discoveries in the Pyramids and the Valley of the Kings. He reviewed the new discoveries related to King Tutankhamun and the history of the king’s dynasty on the Western Bank of the Nile, and the relationship of the different dynasties of Pharaonic Egypt to the stage of 2500 BC.