(Alexandria university)Announces the launch of general external tender for purchasing a two renewable Energy systems each of 50 Kw to generate electricity. The first one is PV off-grid system and will be installed El-Behera Governorate. The second system is Hybrid 50 kw PV/ Biogas system will be installed in Alexandria Governorate. The PV  is 20 kw unit will be connected to the national grid while the biogas unit will be integrated with solar thermal water heating system and used for 30kw Biogas Generator.  The tender Package can be obtained from Faculty of Agriculture, EL-chatby, Alexandria. The price of the tender Documents is 200 LE or its equivalent in Euros.

The primary insurance for bidding is 3200 Euros or its equivalent in Egyptian Pounds. Upon award, the amount of primary insurance will be increased to 5% of the system price. Technical inquiries should be addressed to (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ). The offers should be presented in two separate sealed envelops (technical and financial) no later than The date of opening the technical envelopes at 12.00 noon on Sunday, 8th of November, 2015. The date of opening the technical envelopes will be in the office of Quality assurance unit, faculty of Agriculture, Aflatoon St., El-chatby, Alexandria. The law 89 of 98 and its implementing regulations, and amendments, are complementary to this advertisement.