Dr. Mohammad Ismail Abdo, Vice President of Alexandria University for Matroh Branch Affairs stated that the student is the core of the educational process so that development programs of the higher education should be directed to the student as the principle output of higher education. He indicated that AU is characterized by distinct educational programs in undergraduate and graduate levels and confers many joint degrees in collaboration with world universities.

That came during the symposium organized by the Committee of Higher Education Reform Experts H.E.R.E. in the conference hall of the Faculty of Medicine.

The symposium was attended by deans, deputies and faculty members of Alexandria University and other Egyptian universities.

Dr. Ismail added that higher education reform must address several items: education, students, graduates, faculty members, scientific research, community service and the development of the environment.

Prof. Dr. Seddik Abdel Salam, Vice-President of AU for Graduate Studies and Research declared that big universities focus its curricula and programs on the student and called to develop the pre-university education by developing appropriate curricula for the labor environment.

Dr. Yasser El-Shayeb, Director of the National Agency EU Programs NEO declared that the H.E.R.E committee is a selected group of Egyptian professors to perform continued development and researches with big universities in the European Union. He also stated that during 2017 a number of workshops will be held on medical education and students’ development.

The symposium included some presentations delivered by committee members on higher education reform issues.