On Wednesday morning 18/04/2018, Alexandria University Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research Dr. Mokhtar Youssef opened the "Fourth Annual Scientific Conference" of the Faculty of Economic Studies and Political Science. The conference is held from 18 to 19 April 2018in the faculty under auspices of AU president Dr. Essam El Kurdi.

In his speech, Dr. Mokhtar Yousif highlighted the conference importance as it tackles an economic axis in terms of contemporary trends in development financing either through local or international and institutions and foreign direct investment. He pointed out that the conference reflects the interest of all economic institutions in Egypt to achieve economic development at all levels. Dr. Mokhtar also pointed to the importance of the political side that the conference addresses, which presents recent research trends in the branches of political science.

Dr. Kadri Ismail the Dean of the faculty and President of the conference stated that the conference will address various economic research visions and ideas with the recent trends in financing, including the role of international institutions and foreign direct investment, in addition to the role of the banking system in development financing.

He said that the conference will also discuss political issues including contemporary trends in political sciences, the history of political thinking, comparative politics and contemporary trends in the study of international relations.

The conference was attended by a lot of researchers, professors and experts in the fields of economy and political science from the faculties of economics and political science at Egyptian universities. Also research and studies centers in Egypt, representatives of governmental institutions and civil society were involved.