
 ProtocolThe participantsgoals


Establishing a public service center to support the pioneers of the agricultural sector and related fields

Development company Enroot

Activating the culture of entrepreneurship, in line with the directions of the President of the Republic / Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, in order to promote the small and medium-sized companies and entrepreneurship sector in Egypt. It also works to coordinate the efforts made in the entrepreneurship environment through awareness activities in entrepreneurship projects and the opportunities available to small and medium companies.


A protocol between the Faculty of Agriculture - Alexandria University and the Delta Water Company

Delta Water company

Conducting laboratory and field experiments using a magnetized water device, in ddifferent departments: Animal and fish production - Poultry production - Vegetables - Botany - Soil and water


Protocol with Vermi compost company

The Egyptian Company for Waste Recycling, Production and Sale of Fertilizers (Vermi Compost)

- Maximize the utilization of agricultural waste

Produce organic fertilizer using earthworms (vermi compost)


Cooperation Protocol between the Faculty of Agriculture - Alexandria University and Shanghai Erest Company, China

Shanghai Erest Company, China

Concerning cooperation in establishing an advanced irrigation station that can be managed remotely with the use of solar energy at the College farm in Al-Gharbaniyat, Burj Al Arab


Algae Technology and Aquaculture Center

EPICO USA - Middle East and North Africa company

established a scientific center by Faculty of Agriculture to provide the young graduates with the various technologies of cultivation, including all its production and marketing processes. However, EPICO USA - Middle East and North Africa company carries out design work, implementation supervision and training


Agreement with the National Service Projects

National Service Projects Organization (The National Company for Animal Production)

Training the students and carrying out scientific research