The Schools  of  Ministry of Education suffered during a long  years  in the schools of Applied Materials (Home Economics, Music Education, Art Education), where there was a minority of specialized  faculties , which supplies the ministry with their needs in those disciplines such as Home Economics  faculty in Cairo and Fine Arts in Alexandria, nothing that  most  of faculty’s graduates are turning to other fields  away from the teaching professions , as well as the role of teachers  becomes  interested in studying applied Materials  ,and  the educational materials was added to students in the last two years of study, and then the community  lost  the teacher  who qualified  educationally to teach this material. So it’s decided to establish faculties that work on the rehabilitation of this teacher, who can be relied on him/her in the personal development of students through educational programs in the arts, music, home economics, to perform this vital role.

Faculty of specific education  in Alexandria was one of the four faculties which  has been established  in September 1988  at Elabasiya for teachers, Dar  El Salaam for teachers and two faculties  in Alexandria, but the conditions of construction and delays in the study  because of construction lead to the opening of one faculty  in Alexandria and in the beginning the name does not consistent with the scientific content, and the educational goal which established, and then the faculty  called with  Faculty of Specific Education in Alexandria ,to be one of the leading faculties that have moved steadily  to  graduate qualified teacher in a technical areas of home economics, arts, music.

To keep pace with trends  of World Contemporary Education in teacher preparation, the Supreme Council of faculties of specific education  and kindergartens  take the decision to  develop  system of two semesters which achieves the continuity of the educational process and the integration of students in the study and activities fully throughout the  academic year and therefore this system has been established  from academic year  1995/1996 ,in accordance with the Ministerial Decree 1556, 26/10/1995, and the study plan were distributed on this basis  at all branches of faculty.

Faculty Equipments


Name of lab / amphitheatre / Hall




Hall (1)

200 students

(8.12 * 14 m)


Hall (2)

130 students

(8.12 * 14 m)


Hall (3)

60 students

(6.97 * 10.43 m)


Home Economics amphitheatre

60 students

(11.73 * 6.59)



168 students

(20 * 7.7 m)


Sculpture Workshop

60 students

(12.52 * 7.75 m)


Corridor Workshop

60 students

(18.9 * 3.55 m)


Ceramic Workshop

60 students

(3.55 * 15.85 m)


Plant nutrition (1)

25 students

(6.85 * 8.14 m)


Plant nutrition (2)

25 students

(6.85 * 8.14 m)


Plant nutrition (3)

60 students

(11.1 * 5.72 m)


Plant nutrition (4)

60 students

(11.75 * 5.63 m)


Computer Lab

25 students

(5.75 * 5.6 m)


Sewing Lab

60 students

2 rooms (8.5 * 5.5 m)


 (24.73 * 1.95 m)


Training rooms for music

20 students

(8 * 14 m)


Graduate Laboratory


(5.4 * 5.4 m)


Experimental animals Laboratory


(5.7 * 3.73 m)


Plant administration

30 students

(5.45 * 7.99 m)


Chemistry Lab

20 students

(5.48 * 7.99)


Faculty  Library


(7.74 * 14.08 m)

Faculty has educational materials and equipments as follows: -

First, educational materials: -

 1 - Educational segments dealing with different topics.

 2 - Educational transparencies dealing with different topics.

 3 - Educational videos dealing with various topics.

 4 - Educational pictures dealing with different topics.

5 - Educational panels on topics different.

6 - Educational models on different topics.

7 - Educational CD on different topics.

8 - Instructional Package on different topics.

Second, educational bodies: -

 1 - Overhead Projector.

 2 - Slide Projector.

 3 - DP plus.

 4 - Motion Picture Projector.

 5 – Video Projector.


 Home Economics Department

 Music Department

 Educational Department

 Arts Department

Faculty of Specific Education’s Address

 14 El Amin Shahib Street, Mustafa Kamel- Alexandria- Arab Republic of Egypt

 Phone Number: Faculty of Specific Education: 035454313

 Dean's Office: 035442776