Membership tables in the association consist of four tables; each table has conditions for registering in it which is:
1- Press workers Table
2- Press non Workers Table
3- Press Associate Table
4- Press trainees Table
General conditions for having membership
1- Must be journalist and non owner to journal or press agency working in Egypt or partner in it or contributor
2- Must be Egyptian
3- Must be well reputed and has not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving trust, or decided to strike his name from the table for reasons of honor or trust.
4- Must have high educational certificate
Required Documents for having membership
1-Graduation Certificate (BSC. or BA. or which equal them)
2- Birth Certificate
3- Military certificate or Exemption
4- Contract of employment from the company which you work in from the President of the Council Manager and stamped Foundation
5- A letter of nomination from the institution of the union membership
6- Form issued by the Social Insurance clarify the situation to the insurance institution in which they operate
7- Criminal sheet
8- Six recent personal photos
9- Copy from national ID
10- Models from your published press works
11- Paying the fees which are hundred fifty EP in the association treasury and getting official receipt
12- The age doesn’t exceed 45 years
For contacting press association
Address: Alexandria-El manshia Talaat Harb st.
Tel: 03/4851573