There are two clinics in the faculty, one of them in El Shatby building and the other in Moharram Bek building.

  • The clinic was established in December 2009 to provide various emergency services and medical care. The clinic was upgraded to accommodate the increased number of students so that a specialist doctor was assigned to provide medical services for students and faculty members.
  • Clinic role in faculty community service:
  • The clinic provides integrated medical service for the faculty community including emergency cases, primary care and nursing services.
  • Medical examination for new students.
  • Increasing medical awareness and guidance in the faculty through:

-         Distributing awareness articles and pamphlets.

-         Holding lectures and cultural symposiums.

-         Personal meetings.

  • Providing medical tools and supplies.
  • Identifying health problems of the students and working to solve it.
  • Keeping healthy environment inside the faculty through:

-         Monitoring food preparation place and the staff.

-         Insuring the quality of drink water supplies.

Future Vision:

The faculty aspires to develop the clinic to include many medical specializations to serve all medical needs in the faculty. There is a prepared plan to establish dentistry clinic.