Alexandria University

Faculty of Specific Education

Library Department


About the Library


- Library of the Faculty of Specific Education is located in the first floor of the faculty's administration building

- The library consists of two halls (reading hall – graduate studies hall).

- The library contains collections of Arabic and English books, in addition to dictionaries, encyclopedias andperiodicals   


Library sections


-      Section for Artistic Education

-      Section for Musical Education

-      Section of social and psychological sciences.

-      Home economic collections sections

-      Section for foreign books.

-       Section for references (dictionaries- encyclopedias)

-      Section for arts, technology and region.

-      Section for theses.


Library arrangement


The library arrangement depend on Dewey Decimal System


Library employees


There are two Librarians and one section head.


Official work time


-      The work in the library starts at 8:30 Am to 3:30 Pm

-      Work time in Ramadan starts at 9:00 Am to 1:00 Pm.

-      The vacations are only Fridays and official vacations. 


Library goals


-      Work on continuous communicating with library beneficiary's society.

-      Work on the library to be the best research tool for beneficiaries to conduct their researches.

-      To provide conveniences for beneficiaries.

-      To provide information easy and fast.

-      To provide research tools to help beneficiaries.

Contact the Library


- The library has page on the social networking website "Facebook" entitled library of the Faculty of Specific Education

  • E-mail

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  • E-mail

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Or through messages via the digital library web site:


Library services


The library presents number of services to achieve its goals and the most important of it is the following:

Internal reviewing service: - the Librarian helps the beneficiary to reach to his requirement.

Borrowing service

 Copying service

Search service

Announcing service: to announce for the latest services in the library.

Electronic service: to provide soft copy to make it easy for the beneficiary

Scanner service: to make a photo scan and copy on a CD

Selective search service

Internet search service

Internal regulation of the library


  • Be quite inside the library.
  • No food or drinks are allowed.
  • Leave personal things in the specified place.
  • Leave the book on the table after reading.
  • Respect coping rules.
  • Respect borrowing rules regarding the period (two weeks) and the number (two books)
  • Fulfill borrowing form complete and right.
  • References, encyclopedias and the one copy books are not allowed to be borrowed.

List of the latest books is attached.

Library department section head:

Asmaa Ismail Mahmoud