The first class graduates from The Faculty 

Prof. Dr. / Mohammad Abdul Aziz, graduated in May 1946 and worked as a professor at  Department of Economics 

Graduates have worked as deputy prime minister 

Prof. Dr. / Abdul Razak Abdul Majid 

Graduates have worked as Former Ministers 

Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Fouad Sherif                       Minister of State for Administrative Development 

Prof. Dr. / Sultan Abu Ali                                   Former minister of economy 

Prof. Dr. / Ali Hafez ElSalmy                              Minister of State for Administrative Development

Prof. Dr. / Mohammed Hamdi El-Nashar        Minister of Finance 

Prof. Dr. / Ali El-Gartely                                      Minister of Economy 

Graduates have worked as universities ‘ former president 

Prof. Dr. / Abdel Fattah Mohammed  El-Sahan              President of Beirut University

Prof. Dr. / Abdul Hadi Mohammed Salem Quraytam      Former President of Sadat Academy for Management Sciences

Prof. Dr. / Mohammed Saeed Abdel Fattah                  Former President of Alexandria University

Prof. Dr. / Amr  Ghanayem              Former President Sadat Academy for Management Sciences 

Prof. Dr. / El-Ashry  Hussein Darwish          Former President of Tanta University 

Prof. Dr. / Hassan Ghellab           Former President of Ain Shams University

Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Ahmed Abdellah         President of Alexandria University 

Experts of international organizations 

Prof. Dr. / Salah El-Sarefy    Expert at  International  Bank 

Dr. / Adli Abdul Mageed   Expert at  United Nations