University system is called academic system for Alexandria University students to get the university first-level degree (Bachelor). This system keeps pace with the latest developments in the academic system of the world.
Important concepts in the AU academic system:
1-Fall Semester: 15-week semester that begins in September and ends in December of the year.
2- Spring Semester: 15-week semester that begins in February, March and April every year.
3-Summer Semester: 8-week semester doubled in July and August.
4-Credit Hour: a unit of study at a rate of one hour two hours or three hours- lecture practical or exercises.
5-Semester academic course:the total of credit hours registered by the student during the semester.
6-The Academic supervisor:the staff member who helps the student recording his hours and following his academic studies.
7-University requirements:course decisions required of all the University students.
8-Faculty requirements: course decisions required of all the Faculty students.
9-Department requirements: course decisions required of all the department students.
10-Registration: a period of time that the student is allowed to register his course subjects.
11-Withdrawal:cancelling two or more course subjects registered by the student.
12- Semester rate: total output of multiplying the grade of a course subject with its credit hours divided by the number of credit hours registered in the semester.
13-Cumulative rate: total output of multiplying the grade of each course subject with its credit hours divided by the number of the credit hours as a whole.
14-The Bachelor: the first-level university degree of the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Science, Education (scientific department), Specific Education, Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, Commerce, Agriculture, Agriculture (Saba Pasha), Physical Education for Men, Physical Education for Girls and Fine Arts.
15- The Bachelor: the first-level university degree of the Faculties of Arts, Law and Education (literary department).
16-University admission: the University admits secondary-certificate students or its equivalent. Submitting is done through the faculties’ coordination office. Besides, some faculties admit Diplomas’ certificates through the coordination office as well. Master's degree admission is for students who have got the first-level university degree graded with “good”, at least, from Alexandria University or its equivalent with specific conditions according to the faculty or its institute. Diploma degree admission in post graduate studies is for students who have got the first-level university degree from Alexandria University or its equivalent.
17-Academic study term: six academic years of study, at least, for Faculty of Medicine. Five academic years of study for Faculties of Engineering, Dentistry and Pharmacy. Four academic years of study for the rest of the University faculties for the first-level University degree.
18-Academic year course: number of hours registered by the student is 22 credit hours maximum and 12 credit hours minimum.