- Alexandria University Council for Community Service and Environment Development during its session today headed by Prof. Dr. Essam El-Kurdy the University Deputy for Community Service and Environment Development, approved the development plan for the Arabic language Teaching Center for foreigners affiliated to the Faculty of Arts. The plan states to expand services of the Center outside Egypt by opening branches in Morocco in cooperation with Egypt embassy there to serve foreign students studying in U.S. or Chinese programs. Morocco branch should the first one and to be followed by more branches in other countries where foreign students exist.
- The Council approved a summer camp for the university staff sons with ages from 8 and 17 years. The camp will be organized by the Faculty of Commerce during the summer holiday and will include sports and cultural activities in addition to languages, computer courses.
- As a preparation for the academic year 2016/2017, Dr. Abdel Aziz Emarah the responsible for Faculty Leaders Development Center (FLDC) prepared a presentation on human, technical and logistical resources of FLDC and its available facilities and capacities that provide an integrated training agenda for faculty members who are nominated for leadership positions in the university in order to improve their competency and skills.
- The Council also reviewed the community service and environment development activities in faculties and institutes for documentation reviewing the minutes of meetings of community service and environment development committees and its final recommendations in order to be added to the strategy of 2016/2017.