Patent results
Documents by subject area
Medicine | 5489 |
Engineering | 4335 |
Chemistry | 3676 |
Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular | 3015 |
Agricultural and Biological Sciences | 2480 |
Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharma | 2128 |
Physics and Astronomy | 2124 |
Materials Science | 2112 |
Computer Science | 1523 |
Environmental Science | 1462 |
Mathematics | 1043 |
Chemical Engineering | 1011 |
Immunology and Microbiology | 842 |
Earth and Planetary Sciences | 773 |
Energy | 663 |
Nursing | 437 |
Social Sciences | 357 |
Veterinary | 375 |
Dentistry | 234 |
Multidisciplinary | 174 |
Neuroscience | 156 |
Business, Management and Account | 134 |
Decision Sciences | 104 |
Arts and Humanities | 85 |
Health Professions | 76 |
Psychology | 57 |
Economics, Econometrics and Finance | 32 |