General Administration for Libraries Affairs

- Historical Background

TheCentral Libraryis one section of the general administration for libraries affairs in Alexandria University. TheCentral Libraryis the major source of information at Alexandria University and was inaugurated in 1985 at distinguished location central to the majority of university faculties and institutes.

The need to establish the Central Library rose in the late seventies due to the overlapping needs for different faculties and institutes with regard to academic periodicals.

Therefore, the Central Library was established in 1985 to serve all faculties and institutes by combining all periodicals of common interest to the different universities and institutes.

In 1997, the General Library of Alexandria University was joined with the Central Academic Library under the name "Central Library" to server all faculties and institutes.

The general Administration for Libraries Affairs is divided into 3 sections:

- TheCentral Library

- Administration of Libraries of Faculties

- Administration and Financial Affairs

Working Hours

The library is open all week (Saturday - Thursday) from 9:00 am untill 3:00 pm and closes on Friday and National Holidays


The library is open for scholars and researchers to use its collections of valuable resources. Visitors are kindly requested to obtain their membership cards, free of charge, to present it at every visit to the library.

Membership Requirements

- A photocopy of the personal identity card

- A recent photograph

- An official letter from working affiliations in case the visitor is not an Alexandria University staff member

Library Rules

- No Smoking

- No scratching, erasing, or marking down on any periodical or magazine

- No drinks or food are allowed especially in the reading halls

- The use of electronic devices has to take place under the supervision of the official in charge

- Cellular phones have to be shutdown especially in the reading halls

Structure and Divisions of the Library

The library consists of 6 floors and a basement, each of which covers an area of 500 square meters

Divisions of the Library

- Medicine Hall

- Manuscripts Hall

- Legacy Books

- Gifts Hall

- Microfilm Hall

- Engineering Hall

- Electronic Services Unit

- Training Department

- Agriculture Hall

- Books and References

- Acquisition Hall

- Request of Articles from abroad Hall

- Sciences Hall

- Theoretical dissertations and Thesis Hall

- Theoretical Periodicals Hall

- Administrative sections such as accounting, personnel, etc...

Collections of the Library

  • Periodicals
  1. Scientific PeriodicalsThe library has subscriptions in 1040 Scientific Periodicals with about of about 4 million EGP. 640 Periodicals are distributed to different faculties and institutes of the university on monthly basis. 400 Periodicals of common interest are kept within the relevant sections of the library.
  2. Theoretical PeriodicalsThere are 31 titles for 7962 volumes of Arabic as well as foreign Periodicals
  • Books and ReferencesThe library contains about 30,000 books in different fields of specialization in addition to some rare books and legacy collections
  • Academic DissertationsThe library contains about 31,800 dissertations and thesis of Alexandria University classified into scientific dissertations and theoretical ones.
  • MicrofilmThe microfilm division contains about 14,537 Microfilm reels, including 1,960 tiles of Periodicals covering the period from 1950 to 1983.
  • Manuscripts and Legacy BooksThis section contains 1,545 manuscripts and legacy books in addition to a collection of papyrus and documents that date back to the 17th century as well as a few old copies of the Holy Quran. The contents of this section include various languages such as Arabic, Persian, Turkish, French and Latin.

Contact Information

  • Address:163 El-Horria Street, El-Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Mailing Address:Mailbox 233 - El-Ibrahimia, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Tel:(203) 4282928 - (203) 4282927
  • Fax:(203) 4282927