
important news



Today, Thursday morning, Prof. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, inaugurated the works of the nineteenth international scientific conference organized by the Faculty of Commerce under the auspices of Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and held under the title “The Role of Innovation, Knowledge and Digitization in Supporting Business Organizations in Shadow of Contemporary Challenges.” Its work will continue for two days, with the participation of a number of experts, former ministers, deputies of the Senate, the Shura Council, Egyptian university professors and executives, the Federation of Arab Chambers, a group of thought leaders, economics, media, university professors, and strategic experts, and it discusses during its activities the issues of innovation. Knowledge, digitization, and their role in changing the economic, educational, and institutional life of the economy, society and the Egyptian reality, in the conference hall of the Faculty of Commerce and through electronic broadcasting on the page of seminars and conferences of the Faculty of Commerce.



In the frame of the Undergraduate Scholarship Program to study Water Engineering, an information session will take place via zoom:
Date: Tuesday 7 September 2021
Time: 7:30 PM (Cairo Local Time)
Link: https://bit.ly/3h7qv54



The Center of Excellence for Water is gladly announcing the first opportunity for graduate students; The Postgraduate Water Resource Management Scholarship program 2021-2022

More details about the program are available in the following call.

Stay tuned for more details in an information session that will be scheduled soon!

Link for application: https://www.coew-grantportal.info







The Center of Excellence for Water (COE) is gladly announcing the launch of the Additional Studies Special Call for research.
The Project of COE aims to catalyze the long-term improvement of the Egyptian Water Resource Managament by improving its innovative applied research.
The studies in this call will address the following topics:
1. Linking Egyptian universities with regional and local (community) water research needs.
2. The integration of Egyptian women and disabled persons into the water workforce.
3. Creating multiple funding sources (including private industry) for ongoing water research.
4. Improving the governance of water research in Egypt at both the university and government levels.
The project of the COE along with the collective efforts of its stakeholders are launching this call to help foster applied research and guide research development in Egyptian Univeristies and research centers.
For Application form and more Information check the following link:



In the frame of the Undergraduate Scholarships to study Water Engineering, two calls for application were launched and the evaluation process is still on going.
There are several OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE for more students to apply for the scholarship.
Don’t miss the chance to apply for the scholarship!
Deadline: 15 September 2021
How to apply: https://bit.ly/3gctx8z
Link for application: https://www.coew-grantportal.info

