
Registration will be twice through the academic year in autumn (first semester) and spring (second semester).

1 - Before the semester starts by enough period, in July for the first semester (autumn) and in November for the second semester (spring). The departments determine disciplines and programs opened for registration by sending a letter with this from Mr. Prof. Vice Dean for Graduate Studies to the scientific departments.

2 - The Faculty Departments inform Mr. Prof. Dr. / Vice Dean of Courses open.

3 - The Scientific Departments and the Department of Graduate Studies in the faculty announce for open specialties and any conditions for the scientific department, if any and all required documents for submitting.

4 - Registration is open for autumn semester at the beginning of August till its end and at the beginning of December till its end for the spring in order to give sufficient time to complete registration procedure.

5 - Students should complete all papers required in postgraduate department to prepare a student's file.

6 - Graduate Studies Department asks for opinion of scientific departments about the numbers of students to be admitted in each of the diplomas, master and PhD degrees provided that these numbers match with the number of faculty members in the department. The number of admitted students is approved by the Graduate Studies Committee and in accordance with the criteria that the Commission deems.

The scientific department shall submit to graduate studies department the following: -

A) Student's academic advisor.

B) Course registration form signed by both the student and academic advisor.

The original form is kept in postgraduate studies department and a copy of this form to be with all of: -

    1 – Student

    2 - Academic advisor

    3 - Scientific department

    4 - Graduate Studies Control

7 - Scientific department identifies the faculty members professors entitled to teach the courses.

8 - Graduate Studies and Research Committee and Faculty Board approve Department Board's decision to register new students, courses, academic advisor and the faculty members professors entitled to teach the courses in each semester.

9 - The student pays tuition fees according to the financial regulations approved by the University Council.

10 - The student's file is sent to the Graduate Studies Department in the University before the end of the fifth week of the start of the study.